Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What would @TMegiaAI10 sing tonight? How about Colors of the wind!

With the absence of spoilers that wrecked havoc last week before the Telecast of American Idol, this week have been quiet in the spoiler blogsites (Thank God!! Thanks to a stricter policy during live rehearsals)

However, there are still hints among the netizens as to what thia might be singing tonight on the telecast:

Rock Mafia retweeted a tweet from one ThomasSturgess on March 11:

To those uninitiated the line is from the hit Movie pochantas Color of the Wind by Vannessa Williams.

The line seems really nonchalant, until you realize that Rock Mafia one of the music producers that is assigned to each contestant each week has worked with Thia Megia this week, she even tweeted of the duo after thier session.

Needless to say Thia is not the only one who worked with RockMafia this week, Stephano and Haley also had thier session. However, Thia is the only one born in the 1995 when Colors of the Wind became a hit song!

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